Wednesday, November 19, 2008


got my mission call! I have been called to the Japan Tokyo mission! I've been told to report to the MTC in Utah on February 11th, so I've started all my passport stuff already. I tried to get it today, but for some reason the US government decided to make me mad and require a real birth certificate instead of the one i used a few years ago. strange. so now i have to go to some crazy place and get a new one, THEN do it. bleh. BUT now i can start shopping for my mission stuff, and get it all together and serve a mission! SO PSYCHED! I've already started boning up on my japanese by buying a book and practicing and writing it all down. Hopefully by the time i get to the MTC I'll be a bit better off than the average bear. That way i can get out of the MTC sooner and actually be in Japan! yay! wish me luck! :D

Thursday, November 13, 2008

I'm gonna get my mission call any day now, and I'm friggin going crazy cuz i want to know where I'm going to spend the next 2 years of my life!! Dang i am really excited to go! I have absolutely nothing to hold me here, besides family, and I'm pretty sure they'll still be there when i get back :]. This is kind of weird i sorta feel like everything is so surreal, getting this call. It's two whole years of my life! wow when i think about it, there is SOOOO much that has happened in the last two years, and it's kinda crazy thinking I'm gonna be gone for that long. so crazy, but cool!! School blows, so there will be no missing that. I already have no social life (I blame school) so I won't be missing that either lol. aaaaaaaaAAAAAAA it's coming soon!

This is kind of weird cuz i am pretty sure nobody reads this stuff so it sorta feels like I'm writing this for no reason... :/

Sunday, November 9, 2008

New to blogging

yikes I figured I'd be the last person to set up a blogging account. I thought the point of a journal was to keep it secret? ahh well whatevs. 

Well let's introduce Evan. I'm around 6'5", and every person i know swears that i am still getting taller, even though the scale says I'm not. I am addicted to music and reading wholly and completely. I try to start every day with music because I think music is the soul's way of speaking. It gives people a chance to express themselves and show who they really are. What type of music a person listens to can tell you alot about them, and I think the music they play or sing does to an even greater extent. If you don't read, you're really missing out. Having a love for reading makes me curious and try to learn things about the world, and it makes life more interesting when you know what's going on around you.

I'm LDS, which stands for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It's a part of who i am and is the reason I'm the person I am. It's taught me to seek for higher learning, higher morales, and how i can find joy in life and that i can find even more after death. It's really sad to me to see other religions that believe that when you die, that's it. makes life seem somewhat pointless and depressing, and i wish people would see that there's more to life than just living. 

I love sports, especially playing them. Water Polo and Swimming are what I love, but life has gotten in the way recently, and i haven't had an opportunity to play in the pool. 

I have three younger brothers, and a mother and father (some don't have both so i thought I'd make it clear) who love me and I love them. I'm lucky to have the family that I do. 

well there's more but you've already read more than you signed up for when you clicked on here :]

I'll try to write often, but can't promise anything because I'm lucky to find time before i drop off to sleep at night.